E-Mail Disclaimer
Disclaimer of EraGlobals.com e-mail address and legal warning text of some legal responsibilities.
E-mail messages sent with the EraGlobals.com domain (for example: info[at]eraglobals.com) are containing a link to this page at the bottom of the e-mail message.
The content of this e-mail and its attachments is containing confidential information and are intended solely for the recipient indicated in the e-mail message. If you are not the addressee of this e-mail or have no interest in its content, it is forbidden to read, modify, copy, disclose to third parties, publish, disclose or transmit this message without the consent of our company. If you are not the person to whom this message was intended (or if you have received this e-mail in error), please notify the sender immediately so that we can ensure that such an error does not occur in the future. Also, follow up by deleting the message from your system immediately.
As there is no guarantee that e-mail transmissions are secure or error-free, there may be late or incomplete transmission or incomplete, loss, alteration or virus in the content and information. Therefore, due to the transmission of this message, the sender is in no way responsible for any errors, omissions, violations of accuracy and confidentiality in the content or any use such as sharing, transmission, storage of information in this way. The content of this message belongs to its author and may not contain the views of our Company. The intellectual and industrial rights created in the name or on behalf of our Company in the content of this message belongs to our Company and all material and moral rights are reserved by our Company.
E-mail messages sent with the EraGlobals.com domain extension are containing a link to this page at the bottom. E-mails sent with the EraGlobals.com domain extension and their contents may contain personal and confidential information. If you are not the addressee of the message or the authorised representative responsible for forwarding it to the addressee, we inform you that you should not use this message in any way, including reproduction, distribution, disclosure, and that your contrary behaviour may constitute a violation of the law.
If you have received this e-mail message in error, please contact the sender by e-mail and delete or track the deletion of the e-mail message and any attachments from your system. All opinions and views contained in this e-mail and its attachments are solely those of the author of this e-mail message and do not reflect the official opinion of Era Globals. The Competition Authority does not bear any legal responsibility for the content of this e-mail and its attachments.